Stippling Brush Review

I had a very successful eBay find about a month ago now! I know quite a lot of people rave about the Real Techniques stippling brush and how good it is. However as I'm now on a very tight budget, as much as I'd like that buy the Real Techniques brush I cannot really justify spending £15(?) on a brush. So I decided to try trusted eBay and I have definitely succeeded! I when I found the brush I was a little dubious as it is from China and I know that sometimes the products are really naff. But for £1.19 I thought that even if it doesn't turn up it's not that I've spent loads of money and be worried about getting my money back. 

I have to admit the brush did take AGES to arrive! Alright it came from China but come on I'm sure it travelled via an owl. 

The packaging of the product wasn't very much, just a couple of seal envelopes. 

The brush on the other hand is AMAZING. I know it's just a little cheap one but compared to my original foundation brush, the bristles on this one are super soft! I want to stroke my face all day with it, it's that nice! Definitely makes applying foundation so much nicer! 

The application? Back to comparing it to my foundation brush it goes on a lot easier. I'm not sure if I'm applying it right but I apply it in like round strokes? I've also noticed my foundation (MAC Pro-long wear) feels a lot more flawless and doesn't feel as though it's clogging up my skin like it use to do. 

Final comments. I may just actually keep buying this brush! I know the Real Techniques brush will probably be even better but for £1.19 I'm super super happy with it! So yeah, get on eBay and type in "Stippling Brush" and the world is your oyster!

Outfit for today!

As I previously mentioned, I'm sorry! I've learnt that I should start scheduling posts and I shall do! Anyway, I've decided that I miss the fashion aspect of my blog and would be more than happy to get back into blogging fashion and etc!

Today's outfit is very sun inspired! It's the first day in weeks that the weather has hit double figures, yay!
The jacket and top are both from ZARA, and shall be featured in my ZARA haul post! The image of the top that is on here is actually the back, the front is just plain strips.
The jeans, I'm not a jeans kind of person since dislocating my knee, however these are the first pair that I have bought since and I am pretty impressed with them! One issue that I have when it comes to buying jeans is that in the leg they fit fine but round my waist they're just too big! Hullo back hole. But these jeans fit perfectly! Link here >>> JEANS I'm 99% sure these are them and only £30!

Sunglasses, these are definitely my trsuted sunglasses when they break I will cry. £3 from Primark and I've had them for three years now! They've survived Leeds Festival, Reading Festival and a holiday to Bulgaria. So here's hoping they last me till my trips to Tunisa and Paris!


So it's back to mid-term essays and after Wednesday I shall be on top form with blogging! For now though I am adding links at the side of my page >>>> and the first one is to my eBay account as I'm having a complete wardrobe/bedroom clear out. Mostly to fund my trip to Paris! So if you would like to see what I'm auctioning off, head to the left, to the left!

(No I didn't get beyonce tickets, sad face!)

Thanks Guys! 

Rimmel London Lasting Finish Lipstick Review

Not long ago I posted my first lipstick review and with the matte collection I was definitely very happy! With this in mind I wanted to buy a second lipstick from the Rimmel collection, however this time I wanted something with a little more shine and bought the Lasting Finish Lipstick in 058 (4.99). 

I have to say I'm very pleased with the initial results, applies easily and has a lovely shine to it. Although I'm not happy with the lipstick after an hour or so. Rimmel claim that "High colour impact for up to 8 hours wear" so I would love to know how they get their lipstick to last 8 hours! #slightly annoyed

Admittedly I'll still be using the lipstick but I know it will not last me as long as I had hoped now that I have to apply it at least every hour!

Oral-B 3D White Brilliance Review

I'll admit I have been a terrible blogger! However those of you that are in university will understand how much mid-term essays are a pain in the backside! Now though, I have got everything hopefully in order and I can resume blogging like I should do!

On to the review!

Now I understand that this isn't a typical blog post, however I thought that most people are put off and wary of these toothpastes that claim the somewhat impossible so why not give it a try? After all I am one of those people and sometimes I don't trust the reviews online!

The main reason I purchased this product was the endorsement from Holly Willoughby, as I see her as a person who wouldn't endorse a product unless it actually works! So my thoughts? The packaging is definitely eye catching, when I was looking down the dental aisle it caught my eye straight away.

So the tube? I have to say I'm somewhat surprised at how big the tube is, usually with these branded and expensive dental products they supply a large box but the tube is microscopic! I definitely reckon that this toothpaste can easily last me a month or so (well I'm hoping!).

The toothpaste? So I'm in love with this toothpaste just on appearance! Come on who doesn't like a purple coloured toothpaste to get the morning started? But anyway, my usual toothpaste had a smooth texture while this one has a slight gritty texture. At first taste it's a little weird for me but once I was brushing my teeth it no longer bothered me, so thumbs up! Also I have to say the lather (maybe, I know it's not soap but surely this is the right word) is amazing! You definitely only need a pea size amount on your brush unless you could be there for ages brushing your teeth. Thirdly, I know I definitely have a disliking to strong flavored toothpastes and admittedly the "radiant mint" was slightly concerning, anyhow yes there's a definite minty flavour but it is not overpowering at all!

Afterwards? My teeth feel stupidly clean! I brushed my teeth at say 9am ish and I have eaten porridge and a pain au chocolat and my teeth still feel as though I've just brushed them! So another thumbs up! Colour? My teeth aren't hideously yellow, but admittedly they're not squeaky white, and I have already noticed after one brush a slight difference in the colour, yay!

Final thoughts? Even after one brush I'm shocked at already noticing a slight whiteness in my teeth, so I'm looking forward to see if the 2 week challenge actually works! Price wise? Yes I have to admit it is slightly expensive at £3.49 a tube, but hopefully if the tube lasts me at least a month and it actually works it is definitely going to be one of my must buys!

I shall post an update in two weeks time with the results and hopefully I'll be a happy bunny!

Have you tried any whitening toothpaste before and did it work?

Week five

Went on my first night out in heels || my best friend bought a pug
I treated myself after a 12 hour shift || dragged myself to the library to study
Came down with cold || today I'm catching up on great British bake off.

For anyone that knows me, browses my Instagram or twitter will know that last August I dislocated my knee for the third time and I haven't been very amused ever since. Being only 5ft2 I try to wear heels as much as possible, especially on nights out, and last Tuesday I was finally tall!

The bottom two photos are me sympathising with myself, no matter what time of the year it is you can guarantee I will end up with an infection rather than a cold. So if anyone has any tips on preventing colds or speeding up recovery post them here please! I've already been through some strange ones such as drinking black cold tea, warm water and salt and the traditional honey and lemon. Here's hoping lemsip and whiskey works wonders!

Soap and Glory Review

Not so long ago I posted about my current skin care routine and that I loved the Gariner Pure collection, although I'm trying out another product doesn't mean I don't love it anymore I just like to keep my options open. On to the review!

After being bought a soap and glory collection for Christmas I wanted to give some of the other products a try, so with one of my resolutions being to improve my skin care I bought Scrub Your Nose In It. Now unlike some scrubs this one can be used as a face mask if it is left on for a little bit longer (5 minutes I'd say). At first glance you cannot see any of the little beads, making me a little dubious, but once you begin to work the scrub onto your face you can start to feel it working.

The smell for the first couple of times put me off, as I'm use to my Ganjer one not smelling, but its quite a minty smell and now after using it for a week it's definitely growing on me. However for me personally it may be a while before I can put up with the scrub being a mask because of the smell.

After feel, now if a scrub doesn't leave my skin feeling baby bottom soft I'm disappointed, but this one certainly does leave this lovely sensation, downside my skin after a while feels a little dry. Also one thing I have realised that my Garnier one doesn't do is my skin feels a little bit tighter? I gather that's the mask ingredients working there.

Final Comments - if you have more off combination/oily skin complexion I'd definitely recommend this product as for my dry skin I feel like I am having to put more moisturiser on afterwards. For dry skin? I'd recommend it but definitely not for daily use!